AABHAAR FOUNDATION will consider funding applications, from organizations with Charitable Status, for funds under CAD$ 5000 on an annual basis. The foundation intends to support programs focused on working with grassroots for social development through education and awareness. It is keen to serve girls and women, but not limited to do so.
Application for Funding should include following information:
- Name of the organization:
- Contact information:
- Charitable Status Registration Number:
- Proposed project/program/event name:
- Objective:
- Description:
- Expected outcome:
- Collaborators and type of collaboration:
- Timeline:
- Budget:
- Financial, manual and/or material contribution of the applying organization to this project/program/event:
- Name of the Project lead:
- Evaluation Methods:
- Reporting to Foundation:
- Attach last year’s annual report and any other documents providing organization’s information.
- Signatures (with date) of two board members and the office in charge.
(One of these 3 should be the Project/Program Lead)
Email completed applications to fundapplication@aabhaar.ca